male infertility treatment in Delhi

According to the best sexologist in Delhi, infertility can be said when the couple, despite regular intercourse for a year did not get pregnant. Infertility is a potentially reversible condition. The basis of male infertility diagnostics is medical history, physical examination, and semen quality testing. If the doctor considers it justified, it is possible to include additional diagnostics (laboratory tests, biopsies, imaging tests). Male Infertility treatment in Delhi can give a better result by modification of lifestyle, diet and habits.

Infertility – a problem for women and men

Until recently, it was widely believed that the problem of infertility mainly affects women. This view has recently been verified. Currently, based on reliable scientific research, it is said that the problem of infertility affects women and men equally.

In search of reasons for failures in pregnancy, men undergo examinations and, if necessary, take male infertility treatment in Delhi, which in many cases allows a couple to become pregnant.

Male infertility – causes

The reasons for both male and female infertility are very diverse.

Infertility has been associated with the simultaneous occurrence of systemic diseases.

Men suffering from:

  • diabetes,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • thyroid disease,
  • hyperprolactinemia,
  • chronic nephritis,

are also at risk of infertility.

Testicular irregularities can also be a direct cause of infertility, e.g.

  • varicose veins of the spermatic cord,
  • testicular hydrocele
  • idiopathic hypothyroidism
  • irregularities resulting from testicular injuries.

One of the causes of male infertility is hypospadias and prostatitis.

Infertility is also promoted by pelvic organ infections, including sexually transmitted diseases.

In the context of the causes of infertility, which also affects men, environmental factors are important:

  • exposure to toxic substances,
  • unhygienic lifestyle,
  • bad diet (and consequently obesity and overweight),
  • smoking.

Not without significance is the genetic factor, which should be taken into account when diagnosing and looking for the source of infertility.

Male infertility – diagnostics

The basis of infertility diagnosis is the patient’s physical examination and medical history.

Particular attention is paid to:

  • time to apply for offspring,
  • frequency of relations,
  • medical history,
  • infections,
  • surgery
  • chronic diseases,
  • patient working conditions (e.g. work exposed to toxic substances),
  • constant medications.

During the study, attention is paid to:

  • general body structure,
  • thyroid condition
  • state of the genitals
  • prostate condition.

The next stage of diagnostics is the performance of additional tests. The doctor decides on the indications for their implementation on a case-by-case basis, the patient’s complaints and the result of the physical examination.

Male infertility and semen analysis (spermogram)

The basic test in the diagnosis of male infertility is semen analysis. The semen analysis can be performed directly at the sexologist clinic in Delhi or the test material (sperm) can be given to the laboratory that performs the spermogram.

If the patient is unwilling to collect in the laboratory or clinic, the semen can be collected at home, but it should be delivered to the laboratory within an hour after collection, maintaining a temperature of 20-37 degrees during transport.

For the sake of the quality of the result, there are a few rules to remember about allowing you to prepare yourself for the test:

  • 3-4 days before the examination, one should refrain from intercourse and masturbation;
  • 3-4 days before the test, you should not drink alcohol;
  • the test should not be performed during infection with elevated body temperature;
  • if you have been taking medication, please inform the staff, you may need to postpone the examination date for several days;
  • the semen should be returned to a clean, sterile container;
  • if the semen was collected at home, the time and conditions of its transport should be strictly observed.

Interpretation of the test result is difficult due to a number of factors affecting sperm composition.

During the assessment several criteria are taken into account:

  • volume of ejaculate;
  • sperm motility and viability ;
  • sperm count;
  • sperm concentration;
  • structure of the acrosome, head, insertion, switches and sperm cytoplasm.

According to the current WHO standards, semen with the following parameters is considered correct:

  • the volume of ejaculate is at least 1.5 ml;
  • total sperm count is at least 39 ml, with a minimum of 15 million sperm in 1ml of semen;
  • there should be at least 40% of spermatozoa in progressive and non-progressive movement, of which 32% or more must be progressive;
  • more than 4% of spermatozoa must be of adequate structure for the semen to be recognized as normal.

Male infertility – additional tests

In some cases, based on the results of previous tests and information obtained in the interview, the sexologist doctor in Delhi may order additional diagnostic tests. Among them are both laboratory tests and imaging tests.

The following tests may be helpful in diagnosing male infertility:

  • assessing hormonal activity,
  • USG
  • X-ray examinations
  • vasography (useful if suspected spermatic cord obstruction),
  • biopsy.

Sometimes the reasons for the inability to get pregnant should be sought in genetics. Once all possible causes are excluded, it’s worth checking the man’s karyotype.

It happens that the cause of infertility is disorders in the structure of chromosomes – then you should visit a doctor who specializes in genetics, who will discuss the problem with the couple and determine what are the chances of conceiving a child.

Male infertility treatment in Delhi

The spermogram is one of the first tests recommended for infertile couples. If during the examination any irregularities in sperm composition and structure are found, this does not mean that the man is sterile (i.e. he will never be able to have biological offspring).

First, determine the cause of the irregularity. If the reason is a systemic disease – then the therapeutic team should be joined by a doctor who specializes in a given disease entity.

Male infertility treatment in Delhi is strictly dependent on the cause. It may include pharmacological or surgical treatment.

To cure infertility sometimes it is enough to change a man’s lifestyle:

  • increased physical activity ;
  • quitting smoking ;
  • limiting alcohol consumption ;
  • change of diet to properly balanced;
  • improving habits, changing lifestyles;
  • dietary and supplementation (as prescribed by the doctor) of vitamins, macro- and microelements as well as the right proportions of nutrients.

If the treatment methods are undertaken do not bring the effects of pregnancy, intrauterine insemination with donor material is recommended.

Very optimistic information is that the male cause of infertility can often be removed quite simply, and male infertility treatment in Delhi plus a change in lifestyle – usually it brings the expected effect in the form of pregnancy.

Male infertility – recommended treatment

Take care of a properly balanced diet, rich in vegetables and fruits as well as an adequate supply of proteins and fats. A rich diet will allow you to supplement vitamins, macro and micronutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body, including maintaining fertility.

  • Move. Thanks to regular exercise, you will reduce the risk of obesity and overweight that negatively affect fertility.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Take care of a hygienic lifestyle, learn how to deal with stress.
  • If you are undergoing diagnosis or treatment, follow your doctor’s instructions closely.